Erica Crosby was last seen with her husband on December 30, 2014, although she was not reported missing for another eight days. Surprisingly, Erica’s family stated that they did communicate with her by text for some time, even though the readers did not appear to be from the missing woman. ‘Caught in the Net: One Last Post,’ a documentary on Investigation Discovery, examines the terrifying episode and explains how Erica’s body was finally recovered six months after she was murdered.
How did Erica Crosby die?
Erica Crosby was a driven young woman who wished to achieve great things. She was enthusiastic about her work and enjoyed connecting with people who shared her interests. Erica’s beloved family and close friends adored her for being a hard worker who was also kind and friendly. At her murder, she was a mother of two who lived in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, with her husband and children.
Her three-month-old baby was shared with her husband, while her older daughter, aged seven, was from a previous relationship. Erica was last seen on December 30, 2014, when she celebrated her husband’s birthday with him. Even though she hasn’t been seen since her family claims to have kept in touch with her via text. In retrospect, however, most participants agreed that the readers sounded like they were written by someone other than Erica. Erica was reported missing on January 7, 2015, but her body would not be discovered for several months.
Finally, Erica’s body was found on March 17, 2015, near Sykesville, Maryland, behind a pile of twigs and bushes, just over two months after she vanished. Electrical cables connected her limbs, and she was blanketed. She also had duct tape all over her mouth and face and wore a cord around her neck. After an autopsy, it was determined that asphyxiation was the cause of death.
Who killed Erica Crosby?
According to the episode, Erica and her husband, Kyle Crosby, had been having relationship problems before the murder. After numerous accusations of domestic disturbances, the police frequently visited their home, and it appeared that Erica was preparing to leave Kyle. Even though Erica’s family had been unable to contact her since December 31, 2014, they didn’t think much of it because she kept texting them. On the other hand, Kyle began acting suspiciously soon after, requesting family members to watch after the children. Nonetheless, everything came to a head-on January 7, 2015, when Erica’s 7-year-old daughter was not picked up from school, prompting the authorities to conduct a wellness check. Kyle Crosby was found with their three-month-old infant when cops arrived at Erica’s house. On the other hand, Kyle appeared to be unable to provide proper child care and, when questioned, gave contradictory accounts about Erica’s movements. Furthermore, he ultimately reported Erica missing on the same day, increasing suspicions. When the police realized Kyle was not caring for the baby, they attempted to arrest him for child endangerment.
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