Two female students of Grand Canyon University identified that they were killed in a vehicle collision last week near the New Mexico border. The student’s name is Chelsea Nicole Valladares, and she was 21 years old, was from Harbor City, Calif. Valladares was studying business management, on Thursday GCU spokesperson Bob Romantic said. Her roommate Kelli Ingle was 22 years old and studied biochemistry and molecular biology. Ingle was also a resident assistant in Ocotillo Hall, said to Romantic.
Know what Romantic said-
Both students were seniors at GCU. Romantic said, “They embodied the spirit of GCU as members of Pure Heart Church where they supported youth in the junior high program,”. Headed east around 11 p.m. Saturday
Public Safety troopers department received reports of a two-vehicle fatal collision on Interstate 40, at milepost 359 near Sanders, Arizona, department spokesperson Bart Graves said.
GCU identified two female students killed in a vehicle collision last week near the New Mexico border.GCU spokesperson Bob Romantic said Thursday that Chelsea Nicole Valladares was 21years old and from Harbor City, Calif. Valladares was studying business management; her roommate, 22-year-old Kelli Ingle, was studying biochemistry molecular biology. Ingle was also a resident assistant in Ocotillo Hall, Romantic said.
In GCU, students were senior-
They were both seniors at GCU. Romantic said that “They embodied the spirit of GCU as members of Pure Heart Church where they supported youth in the junior high program,”.
Public Safety troopers Department received reports of a two-vehicle fatal collision on Interstate 40, at milepost 359 near Sanders, Arizona, headed east around 11 p.m. Saturday, department spokesperson Bart Graves said.
Graves said they were both young students in a sedan travelling east in the first lane when it drifted and struck the guardrail. Valladares died on place then and there only, while Ingle was taken in critical condition to a hospital in Gallup, New Mexico. Ingle later loses his life as she has critical injuries. Romantic said that Ingle was driving the sedan and Valladares was in the passenger seat.
Graves said that the driver of the opponent vehicle’s tractor-trailer was not injured. However, the crash cause remains under investigation.
According to Romantic a remembering, both students. A Celebration of Life memorial service is scheduled for April 13; the families have set up GoFundMe pages.
Fundraiser proceeds of Ingle’s will go towards paying for medical and funeral expenses. In contrast, Valladares’ proceeds will provide scholarships for future Pure Heart middle school and high school students to attend Valley Conference. As per the reports, till Thursday afternoon, the Ingle fundraiser has raised $52,613, and the Valladares fundraiser has raised $15,256.
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