The New York Post reported in October 2020 about the information on a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden. Unfortunately, the laptop was in the hands of federal authorities. This news includes details from the emails stored on the laptop and the possibly unethical actions by Hunter Biden and his father, then-Vice President of Joe Biden.
The hunter Biden scandal is a series of unconfirmed claims centered on the false allegation. This is of the time of Joe Biden when he was a vice president of the United States and also engaged in some corrupt activities relating to the employment of his son, Hunter Biden.
Reaction on social media and some newspapers
As there is a reaction from some social media platforms, other newspapers, and federal authorities, was to investigate, disparage and, in some 17 cases, ban publication of the Post’s reporting. On 17 March, the federal investigation of Hunter Biden is possible violations of tax and lobbying laws as it is based on the part of files from the laptop.
Know what is the evidence
About Joe Biden, there is also evidence that he also financially benefited from Hunter Biden’s grift and his brother, Jim Biden’s grift, with these countries, which are crucial to America’s national security interest.
So now Hunter Biden is looking at indictments from the grand jury in Delaware. The New York Times and The Washington Post are now sniffing around. They have admitted the laptop is real, and they have realized this is a bombshell story.
At the very first, The New York Times and other media outlets said to the public and explained why they did not say this story for a few weeks. But, as there was the presidential election and might, it can alter its outcome, and it may be it was for a deliberate attempt to keep Joe Biden scandal-free.
Then the election may appear and have indeed been stolen, and democracy subverted. Not for the voter fraud, but it can be done by the biased news outlets and the efforts of loyal Democrats/Trump haters by suppressing information about their candidate.