Dance Dance Danseur is a Japanese Manga Anime animated series. This series has aired its ten episodes, and soon, episode 11 will be released.
Dance Dance Danseur- Synopsis, Characters, and Crew:
Dance Danseur is originally a manga series now created into an anime television series. This Japanese Manga Series is written by George Asakura, who also illustrated himself. Shogakukan published this series in its Weekly Big Comic Spirits magazine. It was published in the year 2015 on September 14 and is now launching its upcoming volumes.
A total of 23 volumes have been published. In 2022, on 9 th April, the television series Dance Dance Danseur episode 1 was aired. A total of 10 episodes have been released, and now the 11 is the upcoming episode of the manga series. This television series is written by Yoshimi Narita and directed by Munehisa Sakai. The series is aired on the original network.
MBS and TBS. The storyline of Dance Dance Danseur revolves around the main character, Junpei Murao. At the very young age of 14, he was fond of the dance form ballet. After seeing so many shows of the ballet, he also started doing the ballet dancing, but suddenly his father died, and he left his passion for handling all the responsibilities. Suddenly one day, Miyako Godai, a girl, comes into his life, and now the main twist and turns start in Junpei’s life.
- Junpei Murao
- Miyako Godai
- Ruō Mori
- Misaki Yasuda
- Yamato Takura
- Natsuki Oikawa
- Kotobuki Himenokōji
Dance Dance Danseur Episode 11 Release Date:
After the ten episodes of Dance Dance Danseur, episode 11 is released. The official synopsis is not known. The 11th episode will first be aired on Japanese channels MBS and TBS. The new episode of the manga anime will be released on Saturday, June 18, 2022. According to Japanese Standard Timing (JST), the episode will air at 01:25 pm.
The timings for other region are as follows:
- Pacific Time- 09:25 am
- Central Time- 11:25am
- Eastern Time- 12:25pm
- British Time- 05:00pm
- Indian Time-. 09:55 pm
The countdown for the new episode of the manga series begins. Till then, viewers can binge-watch the show.
- On which platform can the Indian viewers watch episode 11 of Dance Dance Danseur?
Episode 11 of Dance Dance Danseur can be watched on Netflix by Indian viewers.
- How many episodes of the Dance Dance Danseur television series will be coming?
It is not fixed yet, but 12 episodes will also be available soon.
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