Peter Tobin, a serial murderer facing life imprisonment for killing three young girls, has been hospitalised. Upon feeling unwell, the 75-year-old criminal was transported to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh from HMP Edinburgh, where he ended up spending two days. The killer, who is doing prison time for the horrible killings of three young girls, is still being treated by doctors after suffering from deteriorating health in recent weeks. The perpetrator, who is undergoing a life sentence for the savage murders of three young women between 1991 and 2006, has had complex medical conditions in past years.
Who is Peter Tobin?
Peter Tobin is an infamous serial murderer in the United Kingdom who belongs to a special group of individuals who would never be freed from jail. Since being sentenced to the horrible killings of three innocent lives, Peter Tobin, a Glasgow-based serial murderer, is presently spending a lifetime in prison without the possibility of getting out. He was 75 years old when he was born on August 27, 1946. In 2006, the maniac was convicted of murdering Polish teenager Angelika Kluk after serving 10 years for raping two 14-year-old girls. “I couldn’t give a f***,” he shouted when cops questioned him about previous murders. In the horrible tragedy, he attacked 23-year-old Angelika with a chair leg and stabbed and raped her in a cathedral in Glasgow. Authorities put in almost 1,500 extra hours of work before capturing Peter Tobin for the killings of Vicky Hamilton and Dinah McNicol in 1991, which resulted in a long prison sentence. Vicky Hamilton, a 15-year-old student from Redding, near Falkirk, was murdered in 1991, and Dinah McNicol, an 18-year-old student, was murdered that very year. Their remains were discovered in the yard of his previous house in Margate, Kent, 17 years after they were killed.
What happened to Peter Tobin?
‘We cannot comment on particular inmates,’ a Scottish Prison Staff official stated. However, this was not the first occasion Peter Tobin has now been admitted to health clinics after being released or has been accused of being unwell in past years. In the last few years, Peter Tobin has been the subject of so many other medical issues. Since being diagnosed with cancer in January 2019, it was stated that he was too feeble to escape his jail cell. He was also brought to the Royal Infirmary by paramedics in February 2016 after collapsing in his prison room. In 2015, Peter Tobin was sliced in the forehead with a sharp knife during an alleged jail assault, inflicting him with a permanent scar.
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