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Defendant of Sounds To See Images of the Tragedy Everyday

The fire at the Kiss nightclub at dawn on January 27 2013 an early Sunday in Santa Maria a city of 300000 inhabitants in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul 290 kilometers away from Porto Alegre the state capital left 242 dead and 680 wounded the overwhelming majority of young college students It was the country second largest tragedy in terms of the death toll from fire and smoke The fifth considering all causes The third in the world in nightclubs and the largest in the country in the last 50 years.

The DJ reveals a curious fact If I say that I received only R50 in cash that night would you believe it I was just a general services freelancer Anyone else could have taken my place at the time I didn’t have any position.

Luciano also denies the accusation reinforced by the seller of the artifacts store that he would have bought a lighter for external use cheaper instead of those used indoors on his own volition in order to pocket more money in change.

The start of the trial in the case which should take at least 12 days and become the biggest in Rio Grande do Suls history is scheduled for December 1st in Porto Alegre Of the 28 named as possible responsible for the police investigations 16 were indicted Of these four ended up being admitted by the court as defendants and will go to court.

One of them is today DJ Luciano Augusto Bonilha Born and raised in Santa Maria 43 years old Luciano as he asks to be called was defined in the process as producer of the band Gurizada who performed the nights show very popular in the city city and region until it was undone after the tragedy

A week earlier he bought the firework flare in a store in the city which lit on stage and in the hand of the bands vocalist Marcelo Jesus dos Santos another of the four defendants set fire to the foam covering of the Kiss ceiling generating the cyanide gas that killed most young people by suffocation and respiratory paralysis

In addition to Luciano and Marcelo Santos the two Kiss partners Kiko and Mauro Londero Hoffmann will be in the dock on the next day The four are accused by the Public Ministry of simple murder with eventual intent when the risk of killing is assumed for all the dead in addition to attempted murder for all the wounded.

In this onehour exclusive interview with R7 given on Wednesday 17 in the apartment where he lives in a popular condominium in the Medianeira in Santa Maria Luciano enumerated his defense arguments.

He claims that contrary to what was pointed out in the process he was never the bands producer I do not know how to sing I dont play any instrument How would you be a producer I have never participated in any music photo shoot meeting or band business He earned his living as a motorcycle courier and in his spare time worked as a doitall for the groups piper accordion player Danilo Jaques who died in the tragedy I went to the bank worked as a roadie at shows bought things at his request.

Moved the DJ cried a few times during the interview granted with the green knit shirt worn in the fateful dawn clutched in his hands He said he had been separated from his wife Professor Varas for five months and showed sedatives anxiolytics and blood pressure medications that he started to take prescribed by a psychiatrist.

Im a survivor turned into a defendant he laments in one of his tearful moments I barely left Kiss among the dead I dont run anyones mind Let each one draw their conclusions and Justice decide for the best But for Gods sake may it all be over soon The parents of these boys like me cant stand suffering and anxiety anymore Me the parents the residents of the city involved or not we all need a sentence an end point to try to put life back to normal.

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  1. Carlton Rana

    February 25, 2022 at 8:22 am

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