The Community of Madrid will carry out the extraordinary tests of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) during this 2021/2022 academic year and will study different alternatives for the next academic year, when the elimination of these tests is carried out.
The Ministry of Education, Universities and Science has reported in a statement that the Madrid Executive has learned “through the media” the decision of the Ministry of Education and FP to leave in the hands of the autonomous communities the decision to eliminate or maintain in this course 2021-2022 the recovery exams in Secondary.
The regional government will carry out these tests during the month of June , as it has been doing since the 2018/2019 academic year. In addition, it has indicated that the objective is to continue carrying out these tests once the elimination by the Government of Spain enters into force.
For this reason, it is studying the possibility of introducing examinations that replace the extraordinary ones through a legal formula that does not violate the state regulatory framework, as advanced by ‘La Razón’ and sources from the Ministry have confirmed to Europa Press.
The Ministry of Education has declared that within its powers it will “do everything possible so that this function of social elevator education does not disappear based on effort and merit and so that academic titles maintain their current value”.
Even so, the Ministry trusts that the Ministry of Education and FP “rectifies and does not finally apply this measure.” As recently stated by the Minister of Education, Universities and Science and spokesman for the Executive, Enrique Ossorio, the Government of Spain “wants a society without criteria and without training and that is why they want to eliminate exams.”
A measure that “falls within the dynamics of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Universities, of going against the social ladder that is education, against merit and effort”.
“Harmful” to education
Regarding the draft of the Royal Decree that regulates the Evaluation, Promotion and Qualification in ESO and Baccalaureate and that will allow holder and promote in Secondary without limit of suspensions from this school year 2021/2022, from the Community they indicate that it is ” totally harmful to education and future generations of our country. ”
Among other aspects, they have highlighted that the Ministry does not establish the criteria related to the qualification and promotion in Secondary and eliminates the possibility that it is the educational authorities , that is, the autonomous communities, that develop them.
“This decision leaves the teaching teams all the responsibility and will entail disparity of criteria between some centers and others, since some may decide to promote with an unlimited number of failures and others not,” they have censured from the Madrid Executive.
Likewise, the document confirms some measures adopted in a first draft, such as that the teaching team may decide to obtain a Baccalaureate degree for a student with a failed subject.
This circumstance will make the LOMLOE “the first Law of Education of the Government of Spain that allows students to enter the University with failed subjects”. In the case of 1st year high school students, they have indicated that they may pass the course with up to two failures.