In 1999, Anthony Harris was convicted in the case of murdering a 5-year-old child of the neighboring house named Devin Duniver. The 5-year-old Devin’s body was found in the early hours of the day in the woodland just behind her house. The police arrested Devin on the charge of homicide. In 2000, Harris’s confessions were taped- recorded as key evidence by the court. Harris was released some days later under duress.
Jeanne Arbogast, his former coach who used to teach Harris one year before he was charged with a murder case, said that he was a well-behaved, hardworking student who could not have been involved in such cases.
Jeanne Arbogast- Harris’s former teacher
His former teacher spoke exclusively on ABC News’ 20/20 show for the first time since Harris’ ordeal and said Anthony Harris deserved more support. She regretted much that she was not invited to testify during Anthony Harris’s murder trial.
She also regretted the lack of support Harris received from his neighbors when he was charged with the murder of the 5-year-old toddler Devin Driver. Arbogast further said she was deeply troubled and disturbed by the statements that Harris had made been interviewed by a police officer alone and confessed to the murder.
Harris’s Former teacher’s Statements
Harris told ABC News that he felt tremendous tension to plead blameworthy just so that he could go home. Jeanne Arbogast also stated that the community had led Harris down due to the lack of support. She also said that the case of her former pupil being wrongfully convicted was still in her mind even though decades have passed after the trial.
She further read the letter she wrote to the editor of American Lawyer Magazine in 2009. She expressed guilt and anger when they published a follow-up for not releasing an article during Harris’s two years of a legal battle.
Read More-The daughter wants answers about her mother’s death, Christy Lynn Shelton.